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Friday, December 31

i am so happ

Created: December 31, 2021 at 6:24 AM

Last edit: December 31, 2021 at 6:43 AM

today was probably one of the best days of my life? interesting how the best days in my memory either involve lovely ppl or bioelectricity

today i went to library and claimed the secret corner with virtually 0 human traffic with floor to ceiling windows where i watch the world pass by, listen to writing flow and productivity go nyoom

finally finished understanding and summarizing that 60 page paper which was actually fire and then zoomed through like 6? more papers

ok ima just rant bc learning made me so filled with joy today

case studies case studies did u know that cancer is literally not DNA mutations its a disease of communication??? like you can mathematically model cancer tumour like you can model normal tissue or even human societies!!! for example, when they did the thing where they made cancer cells circulate the person body to treat them for a disease or smth there were only added deposites where there were already tumours and not on the normal tissue bc the tumour cells are like yes join the gang and normal cells are like stop, dont touch us there, this is, our nono square. and thEn this is like that 1960 guy who discovered that cancerous cells make their oWn morphological fields?!?! hella sigma move right there. ok onto another case study -- did u know that monolayer cultures are 3x more vulnerable to becoming cancerous simple bEcause it doesnt have its friends sending the right morphological signals and being there for moral support. and also absolute positve matter more than relative position! some researchers connected 2 random parts of a rats body i forgor the parts and a tumour formed bc even though the body parts shared the same DNA, the signals sent and expected were different and thats why it went whack. also i can SEE IN MY HEAD the butyrate pathway and aaa so dopamine. also bistability is like the 1 and 0 in an electric circuit im done.

cells at work cells at work is an anime and holy shite its actually so factual to cancer cells irl? like cancer cells dont just divide uncontrollably, they have GOALS like getting nutrients, espacing an environment thats trying to kill them. -- like how they were depicted in cells at work!!! instead of being one with the body they become like an orgnism which treats your body like its environment. thats also why cancer cells can survive when the person dies? idk cancer cells are just normal cells with really bad memory ✊😔

regeneration DID YOU KNOW THAT IF YOURE REGENERATING YOURE LITERALLY NEGATIVE CANCER-ING like no babies ever get cancer bc their regenerating signals are so strong even though regeneration and cancer both involve rapidly dividing cells reeeeee and regeneration literally heals cancer

im such a physics noob but i thought charges were just like particles and then got sad bc how are u supposed to non-invasively measure them then? BUT THEN BUT THEN i found out about electric fields and its so cool holy heck like a current isnt a moving stream of electrons its like a traffic jam of bumper cars that bump into each others fields and slowly move aaa electrons are so much cuter in my mind now.

was planning to sleep at 10 but then had a 2h convo with ray trying to understand bioimpedance and we did it! wahoo

ooo i also built a supercapacitor today and theres no load so it might be short circuiting outside rn but the battery voltage is very low so whats the worst that can happen

i am so grateful for that corner of the library

i dont think its a good thing to have the mindset of not being able to work well in my room though, i'll try moving my table to the other corner maybe


anyways, moving on, aftering watching the navid why you should do a focus video, something just clicked for me: self marketing, content creation, speaking opps, award winning, nothing else matters unless youre working on a real legit project and that gave me so much inspiration <3 idk but i have an inkling that some TKS kids right not dont * get* it idk. YC had a good insta post on it too

5 more random things and then i actually have to sleep

  • antimatter states that if u create matter u need to borrow matter from somewhere so if oscar pulls girls with his lamps girls will start spontaneously disappearing from somewhere else in the world
  • had my first lucid dream ever, was very colourful
  • elon musk wants catgirls to exist urgently
    • https://www.animemaru.com/elon-musk-diversifies-into-genetically-engineered-catgirls/
    • https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1134578518841470976?lang=en
  • made a new playlist that i am liking a lot
  • we should put quantum computers in space bc space is a vacuum -- orbiting the earth and protecting it from radiation with a layer of lead, water and then more lead

timblocking the day before is probably the best thing u can do for your productively, sent timeblock for tmrw to aneka and laura 10pm club but we havent been actually sleeping at 10pm rip

tmrw focus: build in public memo then personal website :0

smh how am i going to format my 2021 review i dont even know

if anyone reading this has an inkling on how to non invasively measure membrane potential of tissues in the human body pls let me know i would be very appteciative of your wisdom


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